We are starting anew with our Blog and our LinkedIn page. This is fitting as we've spent the last few months creating new virtual offerings and transitioning our work to better support district leaders. Read more about what we've done:

Dear Colleagues,
I truly hope that this message finds each and every one of you healthy and settled into the significant transitions of the new school year, even as there are so many unknowns. The challenges are so very real. We have been impressed by leaders in our partnership districts and schools who, in the words of Dr. Phillip C. Schlechty, “are clear about their core business; treat change as an ongoing, expected, and normal process; introduce innovation as a means of improving performance; and place a high value on innovation and novelty” Leading for Learning: How to Transform Schools into Learning Organizations.
Here at the Schlechty Center, we have been designing new experiences using virtual and digital platforms to better serve you both in the midst of this crisis as well as into the future. This was something we needed to do and had taken some small steps to do prior to the pandemic, but now have been motivated by your needs to make a significant transition to new work and new delivery models. We have done all of this to be a more effective partner in providing the quality of professional learning that you have grown accustomed to while working with us in the past, but in ways that will ensure greater efficacy of our important work with you in the future. We have been listening.

Effective July 15, we are launching the Schlechty Center’s new Digital Engagement Series and a new Virtual Leadership Series.  

Please reach out to us for more information about how we can customize these new offerings (or the many other professional learning experiences we provided onsite and are now able to provide virtually) to help your team further your transition to becoming a learning organization. Most of our colleagues are finding that the challenges during this time provide the real need to lean into this pursuit. Let us use our three decades of experience and tools to help your team achieve that worthy mission.

Dr. Steve McCammon
Schlechty Center